Photo of MaE cubiles Mexico

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MaE Cubiles was born in Guadalajara, Jal. self-taught painter, he took classes with Cuban artists Rubén Torres Llorca, Amehed Gómez and Miguel Cubiles, started painting 21 years ago.

At its inception in 1990, used her maiden name, Ma E speranza Romero a few years later he shortened by MaE Cubiles her married name, her husband, the painter Miguel Cubiles died in...

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23.62 x 15.75 in
23.62 x 15.75 in
15.75 x 23.62 in
5.51 x 16.14 in
12.99 x 14.96 in
27.56 x 47.24 in
12.60 x 22.83 in
16.93 x 9.45 in
5.12 x 12.20 in
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Photo of MaE cubiles Mexico

MaE Cubiles was born in Guadalajara, Jal. self-taught painter, he took classes with Cuban artists Rubén Torres Llorca, Amehed Gómez and Miguel Cubiles, started painting 21 years ago.

At its inception in 1990, used her maiden name, Ma E speranza Romero a few years later he shortened by MaE Cubiles her married name, her husband, the painter Miguel Cubiles died in March 2005 they were married 27 years.

For the past ten years and to date makes pottery clay high temperature in the workshop of the Masters Silvia and Jose Sacal, have formed a group of artists called "Gang of Art" among with the Masters Raúl Anguiano +, Miguel Cubiles + Jose Sacal, Victor Gutierrez, Gerardo Cedillo, Roberto Roque, Tongolele, Rocío Villagarcía including other important artists.

She has had several solo exhibitions and over forty-six collective both overseas and in Mexico City, Cuernavaca, San Miguel de Allende, Puebla, Guadalajara, in the cities of Madrid, Spain, Miami, Poland and Japan.

Her work is in the Museo José Luis Cuevas, La Tallera home studio David Alfaro Siqueiros, Velez Malaga Museum, Bristol Myers Laboratories, JAPS Foundation and private collections in Mexico and abroad.

She has participated in two biennial recorded in Poland and Japan.

Works in his studio in Mexico City, makes pottery, art object, drawing, painting in acrylic and oil on canvas, bark paper, corrugated paper, also always in search of new things and experience in multiple materials, makes jewelry.

(Brief portrait of the painter) He lives in Mexico City, DF

Written on MaE Cubiles by Teresa Guarneros , Poet and Art Criticism.

Den and his incessant MaE INVENTIVE

To describe the conception of the creative world of Mae Cubiles should develop a longer text as it is vast wealth of its expression in many ways.

Techniques, textures, slopes that she addresses to express their relentless inventiveness through ceramics, high temperature clay with which it conducts its sculptural pieces, coming to transfigure into a bottle of Coca-cola, appliance innocuous when it manages to give the dimension of art.

His wit is reflected in its tracks with a dynamism and energy plagade ranging from portrait to his imagination that at times becomes magical insight.

In his series titled "Do not get gauge", is celebrating its playful willingness to integrate his work this innocent artifact as another virtuoso element from the context in which it is located. That image is a streak that continues to reach another, the work of corrugated paper or bark, which in turns passes the versatility of a vibrant color to another constant discovery moves before our astonished eyes, changing fields such as Kaleidoscope , infinite possibilities of contemplation.

Transfigured, is transmuting vision not only what is the subject of art, but his own interiority.

We recognize as something were significant or consistent attribute of his work, both the dialogue in those faces that seem to speak as the light emanating from them, for example in "big family" or "golden gourd" and many other categories we play for make us share the joy of existence.

His characters are people emerging from a nucleus full of vitality, are connected to the pre-Hispanic or ancestry, and these faces are also masks, even the artist gave one of them "Masquerade."

In "Heartbreak Tango" we are surprised by the openness with which achieves a composition of "members" disjointed, and something that could be dramatic to the eye, emerge "whole" vibrant and lively where it should be noted his successful assimilation of influences as Picasso's, only at certain times, because if something we recognize in MaE Cubiles, is the joy with which he moves into his own style, because style is the man.


Mexico City November 2008 - He lives in Mexico City, DF

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Maestro José Luís written Cuevas-Dibujante/Pintor/escultor on the work of Esperanza Romero (MaE)

I knew the work of Esperanza Romero from its embryonic stage. Since then I discovered a strong personality that created timeless characters that made me recall the ancient art of Mexico.

His most recent series titled Estate has already shown a mastery of drawing. Hope production is abundant, why it works many hours a day. His dedication and vocation discovered in recent times has enjoyed the support of her husband, painter Miguel Cubiles who I have known for many years and who also felt professionally.

José Luis Cuevas, San Angel October 7. 95

(Text copied from the original) He lives in Mexico City, DF

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November 8, 1995

The painting is one of the possibilities of access to happiness used by the artist using new attempts to fix old obsessions.

The desire to capture reality and dreams covers fabrics with their own way of perceiving the world through the heart's memory.

The painful process and display the achievements produces a combination of pride and fear.

Paul Valéry said clearly that everything man creates without knowing, as you breathe. But the artist feels to create. Your task will take all his being and his worth as fotifica beloved.

There is nothing worse than stagnation, freeze in life. Become one of those beings who can guess when they said no more. Not learn more, do not take my chances more. Faced with the possibility of having or being placed in danger, is protected by indifference.

Esperanza Romero has opted to patiently work. As many other women is a "late bloomer, blooms after other efforts to facilitate and encourage in their interests. It so far has been given the pleasure of giving a busy solitude in which man finds his true spirit.

We present work of the last three years but has now been five self-calling exercise.

Share life for 18 years with her husband Miguel Cubiles,Cuban artist who has especially encouraged to pursue the chosen path. Living in an artist is enriching, but can be limiting. We will have to emerge from the shadows and the hand of this generous man who encourages her to grow and experiment.

Draws in the comfort of your home, without preliminary sketches on paper and discover the figures that inhabit it.

In his presentation referred Hope Frida Kahlo, who amply demonstrated that it can flourish even when they live under a large tree.

It is with great pleasure that opened today November 8, 1995, the first exhibition of Hope Romero. Hope you are accompanied, protected, wrapped in the love of your friends, your family and our country that enrich your art.

With so much love around, there is no room for fear.

Martha Zamora

Text copied from the original

(Writer, journalist and art critic) He lives in Mexico City, DF

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Written by Jorge Toribio for the opening of the exhibition of Mae Cubiles, March 22, 2007

I'll x begin to thank a great friend, the sculptor José Sacal, generous and tireless man in the world of art, created the sculpture studio, intent, gather your friends for free so q continue to develop their work.

At the workshop, I found people as diverse in the world d the arts and entertainment, including the legendary Raul Anguiano, the disciple d Frida Kahlo, Arturo Garcia Bustos and Rina Lazo his wife, a student of Diego Rivera, Yolanda Montes ( Tongolele) ... q Workshop and keeps its history and that many more are expected fruit.

Today this culture has enclosure d part of the work d other member of the workshop, the painter and sculptor Esperanza Laird (MAE).


The life and work d Hope. m reminded of the women immersed in the world qu d the arts were always in the shadow d their partners. Protective shadows, guides and momentum, q pillar or column could grow their partners inthe arts and contribute to social work to the world of art. Were the cases d d Bertha and today Riestra Beatriz José Luis Cuevas wife d d Eva Luis Zepeda with Nisizahwa, d gey Brigita Anderson Raul Anguiano, d Marek Keller with Juan Soriano, Silvia with José Sacal d, and the world d literature María José Octavio Paz, x citat about cases.


In a curious way, all these ladies not only to the prosperity s d gave the couple have also spoken, s have been expressed through drawing, color, clay or bronze, and have done well. But as I have said first protect and support the work of the partner, then make d full time, theirs.

And it's not funny but I must say q even their partners in more than one occasion d s have expressed good work d their wives. Hope remembered him when Cubilesnoted his accomplishments ys froze the degree d share with his friend José Luis Cuevas quen to observe the path of Hope had a good view. When the artist exhibited at recreation center called "La Casita", José Luis Cuevas wrote a complimentary text (shown), so qs d became an early critic of the work of the painter.


Completely different is the work d Esperanza Cubiles teacher to work in the forms, techniques, content, and even color. The work of the painter holds a mysticism charged expressive vigor d, d clear from the fact that d best reality.

Captures the essence of primitive man and pre-Columbian Mexico d d other cultures. For the case d Mexico takes two cultures, the Maya and Aztecs. Two essences, two extremely opposing realities time, space and expression. The Mayan people plagued d subtlety, elegance, poetry, and the Aztec people, filled d elements, even poetic, subtle, hard and cold greatly. So the interesting and intense sculptures q Hope has done in the workshop, we find a poetry d fusion hard and strong with a subtle and elegant.


Three things caught my attention in the painter and sculptor A) d easily handle materials with great discipline and skill B) colors using cold and warm q qd naturally knows how to combine and C) how the human figure molded q provided with two or more faces in one body, sexless look Men, like women, or man and woman or woman or man, always in dialogue. What parlan?, What do you want? are these your children. I do not know. The secret you keep it as a compact d honor. Another distinctive feature at work d the painter is the gauge, a device primitive d q Mexico used to transport liquids. This object is distinctive and the subject d creation.


I agree with the comment will d my great companion, the poet and critic Guillermo Fernández d literature. If the work does not wake up, it shakes the soul of another, you do not say nothing or say little, then this work lacks character, d strength to become truly common way is qd s ligth called art or literature. But there is every work q d shakes up spirits even harder. It is a work condemned to immortality, to be tattooed on the memory, and only then will we still have true creator. In this category Children's Hope have long started to tattoo the soul to others.


Jorge Toribio

(Text copied from the original)

Jorge Toribio is a journalist, anthropologist, author and art critic, lies in Toluca Edo. of Mexico.

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